My Review of Everlywell [what it is, available tests, and which tests I have done]

everlywell review

Bonjour everybody! This post is most likely going to be long. I will review my experience Everlywell, but firstly I am going to explain what it is. Secondly, I am going to share what tests are available. Thirdly, why you would want to buy a test from them. Finally, the tests I have done with Everlywell.

what is Everlywell?

Everlywell is a company that provides lab testing kits that you take from the comfort of your own home. They offer lots of tests that can be cheaper than regular lab. In addition, they might be cheaper than going in a walk-in lab. They send you kits with everything you need to take the test, and send it back. All the results are online. On top of that, it is also pretty quick. I sent mine on a Tuesday (before Thanksgiving), they received it on Thursday and my results were ready the following Thursday.

which test are available?
  • Food Sensitivity Test
  • B Vitamins Test
  • Vitamin D and Inflammation Test
  • Lyme Disease Test
  • Folic Acid Test
  • Heart Health Test
  • Metabolism Test
  • Sleep and Stress Test
  • Cholesterol and Lipids Test
  • Heavy Metals Test
  • Thyroid Test
  • Postmenopause Test
  • Perimenopause Test
  • Women’s Fertility Test
  • Ovarian Reserve Test
  • Women’s Health Test
  • Men’s Health Test
  • Trichomoniasis Test
  • Hb1A1c Test
  • HPV Test
  • HIV Test
  • Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Test
  • Hepatitis Test
  • Syphilis Test
  • STD Test

See, you have plenty to choose from.

who can benefit from those test?

Anyone who has symptoms and who is looking for the root cause. Some symptoms can be because of the food you are eating, and finding out which food you are sensitive to can help.

  • fatigue or feeling tired
  • eczema
  • weight gain
  • bloating
  • headaches or migraines
  • gastrointestinal symptoms
  • chest pain
  • vertigo
  • heart palpitations
  • sleep disturbance
  • skin rash
  • mouth sores
  • mood swings
  • depression
  • increased appetite

This is an exhaustive list because there are so many symptoms. I suggest to do some research on the website to figure out which test will be the most helpful for you.

food sensitivity test

I decided to go with the Everlywell Food Sensitivity Test because I have done some elimination diet in the past, and since I have leaky gut, it can be easy to develop new food sensitivities. I have eczema, my ears get itchy out of nowhere, gas, headaches, bloated after meals, memory loss etc. Some symptoms come and go and I wanted to figure out which foods I needed to eliminate.

This test makes it so easy because elimination diets can be quite difficult sometimes. Also, some elimination diet might not eliminate food you are sensitive to as they are based on foods that are known to be a problem. For example, gluten, dairy, and eggs would be eliminated on an elimination diet, but not beef, so if you are sensitive to beef you won’t figure it out unless you do a food sensitivity test.

what did I learn from it?

I found out that there were quite a few foods that I needed to avoid because I was mildly reactive to them. I avoided them for about a month or two and stopped once I went to France. Most foods I was reactive to were foods that I was eating on a regular basis. It made me realize that I most likely had leaky gut because of the results I had. I don’t want to get into too many details about leaky gut, but basically, when you have leaky gut and you are eating the same foods on a regular basis, you will be most likely to develop a sensitivity to them.

metabolism test

I have done the Everlywell Metabolism Test after I started gaining weight and was under a lot of stress. My goal was to check if my testosterone and cortisol levels were in the normal range. Everything came back normal, so I there was nothing for me to do from there. Since I took this test at the same time as the Everlywell Food Sensitivity Test, I worked on my diet while still taking care of my stress since it was the main reason why I did this test. Regardless of the test results you are getting, working on your stress is still a priority.

women’s health

I recently took this test which was in November 2019. It has been more than a year that I haven’t been able to lose weight, so I wanted to get some more detailed tests done.

The past two years were quite stressful for me, I had to work a lot more than I used to on top of being a full-time student. Eating or resting were not my priority, so I wondered if my cortisol levels were unbalanced because of that. I also thought that maybe I could be having some thyroid issues. Having one autoimmune disease, it is not out of the ordinary to have another developing later, especially after being under so much stress.

This test is pretty detailed which is why I chose it over a regular thyroid test you would get in a walk-in lab. I also liked the fact that the cortisol was tested 4 times per day unlike the one is the Everlywell metabolism test which is done once in the morning.

what did I learn from it?

My cortisol levels were normal in the morning, but not in the evening. That’s why getting tests that are more detailed can be important. If you are testing your cortisol in the morning only, it could come back normal when your cortisol could be totally out of whack the rest of the day. By knowing that my cortisol levels are higher than they should be in the evening, I was able to do some research to improve my levels.

vitamin D and inflammation test

My gastroenterologist asked me to do some blood work to find out if my inflammation was still high after taking some corticosteroids to lower it. My vitamin D was also in the lower range when I tested it last summer, so I wanted to see where it was.

what did I learn from it?

Both my inflammation and vitamin D were lower. Good and bad news. Obviously, it is really good that my inflammation went down because it was at 16 this summer when it is supposed to be below 5. Thanks to Everlywell Inflammation Test, I was able to see that my inflammation level went down.

My vitamin D went from 30 ng/mL to 20 mg/mL. I started buying supplements to help me increase it. After doing some research, I decided to buy vitamin D3/K2 from Thorne. It is pretty cheap, and the ingredients are clean. I would suggest to check with your physician before taking supplements, especially vitamin D. My doctor did not seem to worry about my levels which are always low even if I live in Texas, where it is always sunny. I wanted to start taking vitamin D supplements because I know the importance of vitamin D. I will have to check my levels pretty often because vitamin D toxicity is real my friends.

To conclude my review of Everlywell, I had an awesome experience. Tests are easy to take. They are quick to send you the results. They are explaining the results and giving you some info on what you are testing and resources to help you out. You can also contact a coach to review your results which is also helpful. I feel like it is a great tool when you are trying to take care of your health and you might not have the money to see a physician.

After doing research on what could be the cause of my symptoms, I decided to take those tests. I know for a fact that my doctor would not have ordered those tests for me thinking that it was unnecessary. I rather take preventive measures and take the steps needed to work on my health now that waiting for things to go awry. So, if you are like me, Everlywell is for you.

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